Who’s the coolest?
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WWF climate change quiz
(Provided by Scouts website - https://www.scouts.org.uk/activities/who-s-the-coolest/)
Pens or pencils
A4 paper
A copy of the WWF climate quiz question sheet
Winter clothing (more than three items per person)
Before you begin
The person leading the activity should make three large signs and label them ‘A,’ ‘B’ and ’C’. Fix the signs up in three corners or sides of the room so that they are easy to see. Put the winter clothing in the fourth corner or side of the room.
The person leading the activity should draw a chart to keep track of the scores.
Run the activity
Everyone should split into teams of between three and six people. Each team should come up with a team name. Each name should be an animal or object affected by climate change (e.g. ‘Polar bear’ or ‘Glacier’). The person leading the activity should put the names on their score chart.
The person leading the activity should explain the rules of the quiz.
Each team has ten seconds to choose an answer - A, B or C - and move quickly to the corner or side of the room where that letter is. Teams may talk when choosing their answer, but should all agree on where to stand. Teams that answer a question correctly get one point on the score chart. Teams that answer incorrectly must put on one item of winter clothing per person. The winners are the team who stays ‘coolest’ as they are wearing the least additional items of clothing.
Everyone should stand in the middle of the room while the questions are being asked. The person leading the activity should sit or stand somewhere where they can watch and keep score, but stay out of the way of the teams. They should read each question and the possible answers from the ‘WWF climate quiz question’ sheet out loud twice so that everyone can hear.
When a question has been read out, everyone should decide in their teams what they think the answer is and move towards that corner or side of the room. After ten seconds have passed, the person leading the activity should read out the correct answer from the question sheet before beginning the next question. Once points have been scored and winter clothes put on, the teams should return to the centre of the room.
Once all the questions have been read out and answered, the person leading the activity should add up the points on the score chart. The teams should count how many additional pieces of winter clothing they have put on. The person leading the activity should declare who is officially the ‘coolest’ team.
The group have taken part in an active quiz about climate change. Was it difficult for them to choose an answer as a team against the clock? What was it like playing whilst wearing the additional winter clothing? Who chose the best team name?
Find out what new things the group have learned from the quiz answers. Which climate change facts surprised them the most and which did they already know about? Is there anything that the group themselves can do to help deal with the issues climate change brings?
All activities must be safely managed. You must complete a thorough risk assessment and take appropriate steps to reduce risk. Use the safety checklist to help you plan and risk assess your activity. Always get approval for the activity, and have suitable supervision and an InTouch process.
Active games
The game area should be free of hazards. Explain the rules of the game clearly and have a clear way to communicate that the game must stop when needed. Take a look at our guidance on running active games safely.
Change the level of challenge
Research climate change and come up with some more challenging questions for groups who find this quiz too easy. Remove one of the incorrect multiple choice answers for groups who find this quiz too difficult.
Make it accessible
This game involves quick reactions when the teams are answering. Change this element to include everyone, by either giving more time to answer or removing the active movement altogether.
Anyone with sensory differences should be shown cue cards featuring the question and the possible answers.
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