Puzzle Races
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The Sixes race to complete their puzzle whilst undertaking other challenges.
4 identical puzzles.
8 pieces of rope.
4 maps.
4 dice.
4 bottles half filled with water.
1. Tell the Cubs that they are racing to build their puzzles.
2. Show the Cubs the box and give them five minutes to explain their plan. Encourage the Sixers to lead the planning.
3. After the planning period give the Cubs the puzzles and let them start.
4. After 10 minutes stop everyone and explain the challenge, repeat this throughout the night.
Challenge 1: Animal Quiz (google a quiz)
> Explain that the Cubs cannot restart puzzling until they have successfully answered 2 questions. If a Cub wants to answer they need to put their hand in the air, any shouting out and they will not be chosen.
Challenge 2: Knot tying relay
> Explain that you are going to call a Cub at a time from each Six. They need to demonstrate that they can tie an overhand knot, a reef knot, and a figure of 8. Once they have tied their knots they can return to their Six and another Cub come ups. If they are struggling they can practice with more experienced members of their Six or another leader.
Challenge 3: Bottle flip relay
> Explain that you are going to call a Cub at a time from each Six. They need to come up an successfully complete a bottle flips
Challenge 4: Map Symbols relay
> Explain that you are going to call a Cub at a time from each Six. Using the key they need to (1) find three symbols on the map, e.g., toilets, and (2) identify what three symbols are.
Challenge 5: Dice rolling relay
> Explain that you are going to call a Cub at a time from each Six. They need to keep rolling their dice until they roll a six.
Badge Links
- Navigator - Features
- Navigator - Key
- Pioneer - Game
- Pioneer - Three knots
- Skills - Problem solving
- Team Leader - Lead
- Team Leader - Teach
- Teamwork - Team game