What (not) to take to camp

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Team relay race to collect the items to pack in your rucksack. But avoid the red herrings.


One set of the below per patrol
A container to put the items, eg a real rucksack. One per patrol
A table or part of a table per patrol


The resource pack below is printed out, one per patrol. Plus cut as each page contains two items.

The items are placed on a table at one end of the hall. For added difficulty, this could be up-side down. One set in front of x patrol. Another set in front of y patrol etc.

Scouts are gathered at the other end of the hall, in their patrols.

On the mark, one member of the patrol to run up, identify an item that should be packed for camp, and run back with it, placing it in their rucksack at their end of the hall. A different Scout from the patrol then has to do the run and selection, and so on until they exhaust all the team members. Then they start again.

They keep going until they think they have all the items they need for their rucksack and have left behind all the items they should not take to camp. They then declare they have finished.

Points awarded for being first, second etc. 5 points, 4 points etc.
Point awarded for each of the correct items they have packed. 1 point per item
Points deducted for each of the items they should not have packed. 5 points deducted for each item.
There are two that are red herrings - compass and map. They can be nil points whether they are picked or not.


  • camp equipment
  • pack a bag

Badge Links

  • Outdoors - Rucksack