International Themed Camp Plan
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Here are the plans and resources we created for our International themed Cub Camp!
Beyond the usual camping equipment, for the activities you will need:
- Treasure Hunt - Country outlines (pages randomly cut into 8 or 10 pieces), paper, pencils
- Flags - County fact sheets, Permeant pens, Pillow cases, Scrap card for inside pillowcases
- Pioneering - Bamboo canes, String, Staple gun, Spare staples
- Festival (La Tomatina) - Sponges, Buckets, Water gun
- Disaster Scenario - Scenario print out, Boxing clever print out, Paper, Pens
- Emoji Day - Clue sheet, Paper, Pens
- Origami - Coloured paper, Instructions
- Shelter Building - Shelter building kit (optional, you may have natural materials you can use instead)
The timetable gives an overview of each activity and the equipment needed, so is probably the best place to start! We of course didn't manage to complete all of the activities, but the Cubs had a great time none the less! There are PDFs of each file, and also (more often than not) an editable version too in case you'd like to make any changes. I have also added a risk assessment that you're welcome to review and edit for your own camp.
Boarding Passes, Passports, and Letter for parents
These are documents we made to get the Cubs into the spirt of the camp! Everyone who could go to the camp received a boarding pass and passport a couple of weeks before the camp with all the details and kit list in. Those who couldn't go to the camp received the second alternative passport, with information and activities in about France and Bastille Day (this way they weren't left out and could still try to earn a badge if they wanted).
We also sent parents the Parent Letter via OSM a week or so ahead of the camp, not too sure if they appreciated the travel-related jokes, but I had fun writing it!
We tried to have food from lots of different countries, but we made sure to break it down so that all of the Cubs would be able to enjoy the food - for example the chow mien was split into noodles, chicken, vegetables, and sauce, so that Cubs could choose to have it all or just some. We of course encouraged them to try a little bit of everything, but it's more important that they eat enough to last them until the next meal.
We also made menus to put on the table, so we printed them and laminated them. These let the Cubs know where the meal comes from, and also has a few conversation starters on - these are great for encouraging Cubs to speak to everyone (not just their best friend), and for learning about the countries and the Cubs.
The information on the timetable should pair up with the remaining documents to fill in the gaps. I couldn't upload the ShelterBox activity, but if you search for it on the OSM activity finder you should see that others have kindly shared it.
Feel free to use the activities exactly as they are, or edit/tailor them to your needs!
In brief, the activities are;
- Set up camp
- Treasure hunt
- Tent inspection
- Monitoring waste
- Decorate a pillowcase as a flag
- Pioneering
- Scouting in Spain, La Tomatina Festival water fight/game
- Archery and Aerial Trek (campsite activity)
- ShelterBox Disasters activity
- Cooking over a fire
- World Scout logo from nature
- Shelter building
- camp
- camp plan
- camp planning
- Cub Camp
- global
- International Activity
- international camp
- international games
- pioneering
- theme
Badge Links
- Adventure - Adventure
- Adventure - Preparation
- Artist - Real painting
- Communicator - Introduce
- Entertainer - Songs
- Global Issues - Awareness
- Global Issues - Charity
- Global Issues - Foreign items
- Global Issues - Homeless
- Global Issues - Waste
- International - Badge
- International - Festival
- International - Food
- International - Make
- Naturalist - Activity
- Nights Away - Initial Pre-OSM
- Outdoors - Care
- Outdoors - Countryside Code
- Outdoors - Project
- Outdoors - Safety
- Outdoors - Shelter
- Outdoors - Song
- Outdoors - Tent
- Outdoors - Tidy
- Outdoors - Wide game
- Pioneer - Hitch
- Pioneer - Lashing
- Pioneer - Project
- Pioneer - Three knots
- World - Do best
- World - Faith/culture
- World - Festival
- World - Foreign game