Express yourself
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A game where the Young People can show emotions to different situations
Cones or hoops
Setting up - Mark out a large circle with cones or hoops.
Everyone should stand by a cone /hoop ready to start the game.
The person leading the game should shout out a situation that’s likely to make people feel something.
Situations could include ‘playing this game’ or ‘eating your favourite food’. We’ve included some examples below. Try to use a variety of situations to encourage a range of emotions.
Everyone should think about how that situation would make them feel. They should choose a cone somewhere else in the circle to move to, and move to it using their body to express their emotions. For example, they could skip to show happiness, jump to show excitement, or walk hunched over to show sadness. There’s no right or wrong answer here – anything goes!
Once everyone’s got the hang of the game, people should take it in turns to shout out their own situations for everyone to react to.
Example situations
Playing a fun game
Eating your favourite food
Someone calling you a mean name
Seeing your friends
Going to bed early
Having a birthday party
Going home after Cubs or Beavers
Helping each other
- feelings
- Physical
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- All Together - Games
- Be Active - New game
- Feel Good - Feelings