Traitors lifestyle choices game

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This is an adaptation of the game "The Traitors" where the Scouts need to discuss ways of living healthily for their skills badge including healthy diet, good sleep hygiene and looking after your mental health. Working in patrols, each group discusses a scenario (provided) and the Traitors try to advocate for the unhealthy version, but do so without being caught and identified as a Traitor. Traitors can eliminate a Faithful by saying "Promise" to them without getting caught and identified as a traitor.


Scenario Cards
Create scenarios that feel relevant to your Scouts, like these:

Sarah feels tired all day in school, but feels fine in the evening when she gets time to play Roblox - what can she do to feel better?

Dafyd really struggles to get the motivation for football training and he's getting a lot of cramps in his legs after training has finished - what can he do feel better?

Heti feels really anxious during school time and tries to stay up late doing lots of revision to make herself feel better, but it's not working - what can she do to feel better?

Cian is really worried about how he's fitting in at school, there's a class WhatsApp group and he feels like people are deliberately blanking him - what can he do feel better?


Scouts are in their patrols.
They will be given a set of scenario cards which they will need to discuss, it will involve the team suggesting solutions to problems involving lifestyle choices.
Each patrol has two Traitors and four Faithful.
The Traitors could be chosen by a tap on the back or a card saying Faithful or Traitor
The Traitors' mission is to suggest the unhealthy option for the scenario card, but to do it in a subtle way so as they don't get identified as the Traitor
The Traitors can murder a Faithful by saying the word "Promise", but will have to do this without the others hearing or the Traitor will be caught
A Traitor will be banished when 3 or more players agree that they are a Traitor
The first patrol to find both Traitors in that scenario win
If the Traitors can survive 10 minutes in the scenario the Traitors win
The roles are switched around for each scenario



Badge Links

  • Skills - Diet and Sleep
  • Skills - Physical activity
  • Skills - Problem solving