Squirrel's Coming
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Play a Squirrel-themed version of Captain’s Coming, have fun being a squirrel and learn a bit about what real Squirrels get up to.
Copied from https://www.scouts.org.uk/activities/play-squirrel-s-coming/
One member of the group’s the Chief Squirrel. This person will call out the commands. It could be a young member, a young leader or an adult volunteer.
Everyone else should stand in the centre of the space, ready to respond to the commands with the appropriate action.
Everyone should practice the Chief Squirrel’s commands. Introduce the commands at a pace suitable for the group. If a young member is being the Chief Squirrel, a young leader or adult volunteer could introduce the actions first.
You could choose a selection from or all the following:
Squirrels scurry: Run round the space pretending to be a squirrel.
Bury an acorn: Kneel down and pretend to bury some food.
Hibernate: Curl up on the floor and pretend to sleep.
Build a drey: Pretend to pick up sticks to make your nest.
Climb a tree: Pretend to climb a tree,
Shake your tails: Pretend to have a tail and wave it around.
Hide from predators: Crouch on the floor with hands over your eyes.
Ash, Elm, Fir or Pine: Assign a corner or side of the meeting space to each tree. Everyone must run to the correct one when it’s called. You could stick up a picture of each type of tree or leaf to help remind everyone, too.
Dogs: Everyone must run to any of the tree spaces (Ash, Elm, Fir or Pine).
Catch leaves: Move around space pretending to catch falling leaves to add to your drey.
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