Newspaper Challenge Night

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Your objective is to work in your patrol and earn as many points as possible by completing these newspaper challenges.
Each challenge is worth different points.
You have to decide which challenges are best suited to your patrol and will earn you the most points.
You can complete as many challenges as you want.
However, any unfinished challenges will result in a deduction of 50 points per unfinished challenge from your total.


Craft supplies - this can be whatever you have in your stores - for example, buttons, coloured paper, funky foam, stickers, pens.

Attached excel includes:
Instructions Sheet (which can be used by leaders)
Score Sheet (one per patrol)


1. Make an item of clothing and model it at the Troop Fashion Show at the end of the evening.
2. Build the tallest tower.
3. Write out the full Scout promise from newspaper (27 words in total) . Cut out words from the newspaper.
4. Bridge the Gap. Build a bridge between two tables, strong enough to balance a bean bag.
5. Build a paper aeroplane.
6. Make a cup to hold 150ml of water for at least a minute (note no sellotape can be used in making the cup).

Scoring system detailed in the Excel File.



Badge Links

  • Creative - Performing
  • Skills - Problem solving
  • Teamwork - Goal
  • Teamwork - Team-building