Follow the Line

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An engaging challenge where one Scout, blindfolded, follows a chalk line on the floor while being guided by their teammates. ?


Chalk for marking lines


Prepare the area by drawing a winding chalk line on the floor. Make sure the line has curves and turns to make it challenging.
Divide Scouts into pairs or small teams of 3-4.
One Scout from each team will wear a blindfold (the "follower"), while the others will be "guides."
The objective is for the "follower" to navigate along the line with only auditory directions from their team.
If the "follower" steps off the line, they must return to the nearest spot on the line and restart.
Set a time limit for each turn (e.g., 2-3 minutes) and then switch roles, allowing everyone a chance to be the blindfolded Scout.
Potential Risks:

Falls or trips - Ensure the area is clear of obstacles and provide constant supervision.
Collisions with teammates - Keep a safe distance between teams to reduce the chance of unintended bumps.
Blindfold misuse - Monitor that the blindfolds are secure and the "follower" can’t see, ensuring fairness.


  • teamwork activity

Badge Links

  • Skills - Problem solving
  • Teamwork - Goal