Parsley Planters

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Briefly explain what we will be planting, show example, explain parsley will be fully grown by the time Passover comes around, 2 months after Tu b'shevat


planting soil
parsley seeds
water spray
stickey labels
tables x 2
table cloth
dustpan and brush


encourage children to stand 3 to a table, ensure each YP has a planter in front of them.
Encourage each YP to scoop 3-4 spoonful soil into planter,
give each YP 2-4 seeds to press down into soil, cover with a spoonful of soil.
let yp spray seeder with water spray to lightly dampen the soil.
Let yp decorate their sticky label with their name and todays date.
Place plants to one side out of reach till end of session.
Encourage yp to track growth of plants and track process by drawing or taking pictures of plants till Passover - 12th april


  • educational
  • gardening badge
  • Jewish Festival

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