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Dodgeball according to Woking District Explorers Rules
Dodgeballs, large hall, whistle
● Dodgeball is played on a court roughly the same size as a volleyball court. The court is
split into two halves by a centre line, and has lines marking its edges.
● At the start of a game, teams (of 6 players) stand at the back edge of their half,
touching the wall behind them. Balls (between 4 and 6) are placed at regular intervals on
the centre line.
● The start of a game is signalled by a whistle. Players are then able to run forward from
their positions at the wall to retrieve any of the balls.
● The aim of the game is to eliminate the opponent’s team by striking them with thrown
dodgeballs. A player is eliminated if they are struck anywhere on the body by a ‘live’
dodgeball, and must leave the court immediately.
● A dodgeball is ‘live’ if it has been thrown by an opposing team member, AND has not yet
made contact with the floor or wall. Additionally, dodgeballs retrieved from the centre
line at the start of a game must be touched against the back wall before they can
become ‘live.’
● Making contact with a player does not stop a ball from being ‘live.’ Therefore, balls can
eliminate multiple players in one throw, if thrown particularly effectively.
● Players struck on the head by a dodgeball are eliminated. Deliberately and repeatedly
aiming for the head is punishable by elimination by the referee.
● Players must not, at any time, cross the centre line into their opponents’ half. Crossing
this line is punishable by elimination by the referee. Players may only leave the court in
order to retrieve a stray ball. If a player steps outside of the court for any other reason,
they are eliminated.
● A thrown ball may be blocked by a held ball. However, if the held ball is dropped during
the act of blocking, the player is still eliminated.
● A ‘live’ thrown ball may be caught by a member of the opposing team, preventing the
elimination of the catching player. Instead, the player who threw the ball is eliminated
AND one eliminated player from the catching player’s team may rejoin the game. The
catch must be clean (the thrown ball must not knock a held ball out of the player’s
hands) and securely held by the player.
● In ‘deadlock’ situations, where players are not throwing balls, the referee may initiate a
five second countdown. Any player who has a ball and has not thrown it at the end of the
countdown is eliminated from the game.
● A game ends when one team is completely eliminated, or at the end of 5 minutes, with
the team with the most players remaining winning the game. If 5 minutes has elapsed
and the teams are even, the first team to get a player out after 5 minutes wins. A match
is made up of three games. All three games must be played, even if the same team wins
the first two games.
● NEW RULE: If a game comes down to one player on each side, they have 10 seconds to
hit each other out; if not, "Showdown" comes into effect. The game is paused, each
player gets one ball, two balls are lined up at the ends of the centerline, and the
centerline is dissolved. The first player to get the other player out wins.
- 7th Woking
- Challenger ESU
- woking
- Woking Explorers
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