Scout Christmas Party Evening

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This is a Christmas-themed end-of-term party for Scouts, including fun games like the After Eight Race, Blindfold Shoe Shuffle, and Hungry Hippos. The evening concludes with a review of the term’s programme and a carol sing-along with Scouting-themed lyrics.


After Eights




Post-It notes

Plastic balls

Shoe boxes

Paper bags

Carol lyrics

Certificates and small prizes

Decorations (optional: fairy lights, tinsel, small tree)


Set Up:

Prepare materials for each game in designated areas.

Decorate the venue with festive items if desired.

Game Instructions:

After Eight Race: Players balance an After Eight on their forehead and race to get it into their mouth without hands.

Blindfold Shoe Shuffle: Players, while blindfolded, must find and wear their shoes from a mixed pile.

Orange Spoon Fencing: Players balance an orange on one spoon and try to knock their opponent’s orange off.

Post-It Shake: Cover players in Post-It notes; they shake them off without hands.

Hungry Hippos: Players use shoe boxes to collect plastic balls while lying on their stomachs.

Paper Bag Pickup: Players pick up a paper bag using only their mouths, with the bag getting shorter each round.

Review and Wrap-Up:

Reflect on the term’s highlights and achievements.

Lead the Scouts in a sing-along of Scouting-themed carols.

Thank Scouts and distribute small prizes or certificates.


  • chrismas
  • end of term
  • party
  • troop Council

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