Backwards Skittle Knockdown

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Team Game where teams must knock down a skittle with a bean bag.


Chairs - 1 per team
Bean Bags - 1 per team


Beavers are divided into teams.
Skittle is placed in the centre of the game area.
Chairs are positioned a few meters away from skittle, facing away from the skittle.
Beavers are allocated numbers and when their number is shouted out, they must sit on the chair (facing away from the skittle) and throw the beanbag through the legs of the chair to try to knock down the skittle.
Beaver to collect their bean bag after each throw, continue until skittle is knocked over or next number is called.
Team who knocks down skittle the most, wins.



Badge Links

  • Skills - Game
  • Teamwork - Team game