Among Us

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This is an adaptation of the video game "Among Us"

The premise of the game is that there is a crew on a spaceship with tasks to do. (Empty the rubbish, refill the fuel engine, fix the electricity and whatnot)

Up to 3 members of the crew are impostors who try to kill the crew without being found. They also have a list of tasks but are not required to do them, it's just so they can look less suspicious. (I told my impostors to do the tasks I gave them, all children were given tasks which were badge requirements)

The impostors have to be discreet when they kill crew members. When someone is found dead, the person calls for a meeting to discuss what they saw, who they think did it, they can accuse people, say why they think so and so did it etc. Impostors are allowed to call for meetings too. You can limit the discussion time. After that everyone takes a vote.

The person who gets the most votes gets thrown from the ship and we discover if they were indeed an impostor or not. Dead players should keep working on their tasks. The game goes on like this until all impostors have been found or until everyone has finished their tasks or until the number of impostors is higher than the number of regular crew members in which case the impostors win.


List of tasks
pens for leaders to mark off when a task is done.
crew mate/impostor cards (optional)


Each Cub gets either a crew member card or an impostor card. They should not show anyone but the game leader. Alternatively, have your YPs in a line, facing the other way and squeeze the shoulder of the chosen impostors.

Each player gets a list of tasks at the start of the game. Each task needed to be accomplished at a base run by a leader. Bases are scattered around the game area. (Ideally you need a wide area with places that are hidden from each other like woods or a park with bushes etc so the players are scattered and the impostors can discreetly kill other players. The leaders can move around too if your area isn't too big.) Once the task is completed, the leader marks it off on the player’s list.

The impostors touch someone’s shoulder to kill them. When a crew member is killed, they should sit on the ground/squat and remove their necker to let other players know they are dead.
To call a meeting, crew members go to the game leader who blows their whistle three times, everyone comes back to the game leader and votes.

Dead players continue working on their tasks to help the crew win.

Example of tasks:

- Tell your best joke to Mang
- Tell Rikki a fun fact about yourself
- Make Sahi laugh (you are not allowed to tickle or touch him)
- Show Bagheera where North is
- Spell a word out in the phonetic alphabet to Kaa

- Beat Mang at Rock, Paper, Scissors (3 rounds), if you fail you can try again later
- Invent a short dance and perform it for Rikki – you can do it with someone
- Make up a short poem about Sahi (be kind or Sahi won’t sign your task off)
- Spell your name in Morse Code to Kaa
- Show Bagheera where South West is.

Tie this or that knot, name 3 different types of trees/bugs/birds, recite the scout law, point to this or that constellation, name the planets in the solar system, etc

You can adapt tasks to your programme so it covers badges requirements, make up silly ones or have a mix of both to keep it entertaining.

This game works great in the dark too.


  • Exciting
  • Night game
  • Video Games
  • wide game

Badge Links

  • Adventure - Activity
  • Adventure - Adventure
  • Skills - Problem solving