Scouts Pantomime

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Work in Patrols to devise a short Panto style skit which demonstrates a Scouting Value


Pencils and paper
Depending on sophistication and appetite, props and costumes


Working in Patrols, Scouts:
- pick a Scouting value
- pick a pantomime which reflects that value (or devise their own panto style story)
- plan out plot, parts, script, &c

Optionally get patrols to act out their panto either immediately or the following week with props and costumes, &c.

A Scout is to be trusted - anti Jack and the Bean Stalk
A Scout is loyal - Sleeping Beauty
A Scout is friendly and considerate - Snow White
A Scout belongs to the world-wide family of Scouts
A Scout has courage in all difficulties - Dick Wittington, Jack and the Bean Stalk, Alladin, Treasure Island
A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property - Dick Wittington
A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.


  • entertainer
  • values

Badge Links

  • Entertainer - Prepare
  • Entertainer - Present
  • Entertainer - Scout Show
  • Entertainer - Write and Plan
  • World - Values