JOTA/JOTI - Overview for Scouts and Explorers

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The attachment on this Activity contains wording for the Parent Portal wording which will enable Scouts and Explorers to 'self-serve' and join this international event, even if their Troop/Unit is not arranging any formal activities.

JOTA-JOTI is the world’s largest digital and radio Scout events, promoting friendship and global citizenship.

The website above has guidance on how to arrange events with your Troop Unit, but you can also join the event on a solo basis, by registering directly.

Most of the website content will not become live until closer to the event, so do check back as October approaches




Create an event
Add the parent portal blurb - see proposed wording in the attachment
Allow signup

After the event, find out exactly what each participant did (or didn't) do, and award the badge credits accordingly. Most will only earn one of the possible badge credits attached to this activity, not all.


  • 7th Woking
  • Challenger ESU
  • Woking Explorers

Badge Links

  • Digital Citizen - Team task
  • International - International
  • International - Organise
  • World - International issue
  • World - Other country
  • World - Values