The British Armed Forces

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Learn about the British Armed Forces and about their job roles.


What you'll need
The three Armed Forces Flags (alternatively create your own signs)

Leader Preparation
Before the session position the three British Armed Forces flags at one end of the meeting space.


Getting into the activity
1) Before the session position the three British Armed Forces flags at one end of the meeting space. Start the activity by asking the group a couple of questions. Do they know what the British Armed Forces are and do? Share the ‘Did You Know?’ facts.
2) Did you know, the British Armed Forces have lots of roles that they perform, including defending our country, helping others in a crisis and taking part in big state occasions. Learn about these roles and more by watching Roles of the Military – Life in the Armed Forces by ‘Fun Kids Learn’.
3) What do the group remember about the video? What jobs did the soldiers do?
4) Stand the children side by side at one end of the meeting space (the opposite end to where you have placed the flags). Tell them they are going to be members of the British Armed Forces. A leader moves along the line, nominating each child as ‘Army’, ‘Navy’, ‘Air Force’. Point to each flag asking the children to step forward if they are a member of that armed force, to familiarise the children with their armed forces flags.
5) A leader calls out either ‘Army’, ‘Navy’, or ‘Air Force’. The children who are that armed force should run to their flag and back again. The quickest child each time should receive a point.
6) Mix things up throughout the game by encouraging the children to take art in the race as a tank, ship or plane, depending on the armed force they are.
7) Play for a period of time, letting children gain points as they take part in the game. The child with the most points at the end of the activity is the winner.

Keeping everyone safe
Please make sure the space you are using is a suitable size for this game. Children should be reminded to look forwards when running, to make sure they aren’t going to bump into anyone else.


  • Remembrance
  • Remembrance Day
  • Remembrance Day Theme

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