Order, Order - PMQs Debate
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UK Parliament Week 2024 activity.
This actrivity uses the premise of Prime Minsters Questions to allow the YP to question their Section Leader/Lead Volunteer on how the group/section is run and to let them know what changes they would like to make.
Paper & Pencils
Section Leader/GLV will act as the PM and will respond to the questions. Another leader will act as Speaker and will manage the debates and keep order.
Before you start, give the YP some time to think of some questions they would like to ask and some changes they would like to propose. Each YP who would like to ask a question should then choose the question they wpould most like to ask.
YP who want to ask a question should try and attract the Speaker's attention by putting their hand up. The Speaker chooses someone and calls their name. They stand up and ask their question. The PM will answer the question. The speaker then can call other YP to make further points of ask related question.
If the debate gets too loud or people are not listening; the Speaker should call "Order, Order".
Repeat for further questions.
- Debate
- Parliament Week
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