Personal challenge medium difficulty (choose one)
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Beavers choose a challenge from a list or agree their own challenge with their leader to take home and complete over the following month. All these challenges are designed to be medium difficulty.
Print the attached pages, one page per Beaver
Pens or pencils so Beavers can select their challenge or write their own.
If you have enough leaders/volunteers this activity would ideally be done in lodges.
Have each lodge go to a different corner of the hall and sit in a circle. Each leader/volunteer hands out the papers to Beavers and have them write their names on them. They explain that part of Beavers is us challenging ourselves to do our best and that means trying things that are hard. Some things are easier for us and harder for others because we are all different and because some of us have spent more time practicing things than others.
Ask everyone to circle the challenge on the list that they think would be easiest for them. Ask the beavers why they think it would be easy?
Ask the Beavers to put a star next to the 3 hardest challenges on the list. Then ask the Beavers to think about any other challenges which might be as hard of those that they could do. Ask if they'd like to share any ideas.
Tell the Beavers to choose one challenge and encourage them to pick one that they have starred and put a tick in next to the one that they choose. Go round the circle and have each Beaver state which challenge they are choosing. Let them know that they have four weeks to complete the challenge and they should ask their parent or guardian to sign it and bring it back in four weeks to get credit.
If anybody wants, they can complete every challenge on the list. If they do this they will get a special challenge badge, but this is very difficult so its don't feel like you have to do it. (note, if you want to include this you'll need to order a custom badge if anyone completes all the challenges).
- challenge
- personal challenge
- try new things
Badge Links
- Personal - Your challenge
- Skills - Other