Caring Cards

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Make caring cards for the local community.
Be able to take an active role in the community, give to others, and make the world a better place.
Help other people, think about their feelings, and care about the impact of your actions.


Cards and envelopes
Crafty items


Story Time
1. Everyone should sit in a circle.
2. Someone should read Practising Kindness by Annabel Rose. (Can be found in attachment)
3. After reading the story, everyone should take some time to reflect on it as a group.

Card Creations
1. Gather everyone together and explain you’re going to make cards to show kindness and spread joy in your local area.
2. Ask people what they think they could decorate the cards with or what messages they could write. They could include supportive messages or words, write a thank you message, include drawings of things used during the celebration, or just make it bright and colourful.
3. People should decorate their card while having fun being as creative as they want to be. An adult may need to help with cutting or sticking if people find it tricky.
4. When the cards are finished (and dry, if anyone used glue or paint), people should write a kind message inside their cards. An adult may need to help with this. You could also write a message for people to copy or have printed messages people can stick into the card.
5. Remember to remind people not to include any personal information about themselves and to sign the card from the group, rather than using their own name.
6. Once the cards are finished, gather everyone in a circle. If they want to, people can show their cards or read out their message to the rest of the group. They could read their kind message out if they want to.

This activity encouraged everyone to take an active role in their community, think about others and help make a positive
difference. During this activity everyone had the opportunity to learn about a celebration or occasion and how they could create a card to help someone else mark it.

Practising Kindness
When has someone helped you feel better?
How does giving someone a card help or encourage them?
Card creations:
Celebrating different occasions helps people to learn new things. What did everyone learn about the celebration they
made cards for?
Did anyone help their friends with their cards? How did it feel to help?
Delivery time:
How do people think their cards make others feel?
How did it feel to help other people feel happy or cared about?


  • art
  • cards
  • Caring
  • community
  • crafts
  • creative
  • kindness
  • local

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