Play Splat!

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Get active and test your reflexes by being the first to shout ‘splat!’.

Courtesy The Scout Association:



Before you begin:
- Use a safety checklist to help you plan and risk assess your activity. Additional help to carry out your risk assessment, including examples can be found here. Don’t forget to make sure all young people and adults involved in the activity know how to take part safely.
- Make sure you’ll have enough adult helpers. You may need some parents and carers to help if you’re short on helpers.


Play the game
1. Everyone should stand in a circle with the person leading the game in the middle.

2. The person who is leading the game should spin round and, at random, point to one person and shout ‘splat!’.

3. This person should duck down. The people on either side of them should to point at each other and shout ‘splat!’.

4. The last person to shout ‘splat!’ should sit down.

5. If a different person also shouts ‘splat!’, they’re out and have to sit down. Keep the game moving along quickly to test reflexes.

6. The game continues until there are two players left. The remaining two players should stand back to back, and when the person leading the activity signals, they should walk away from each other.

7. When the person leading shouts ‘splat!’ the last two players have to turn and shout ‘splat!’ at each other. The first to shout is the winner.


  • splat
  • teamwork

Badge Links

  • Teamwork - Challenge
  • Teamwork - Team game