089.C.W01.F2F - Remembrance Poppies

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Slideshow 1 - The Poppy
Felt poppies
Slideshow 2 - Scouts, Cubs, and Guides on the Home Front


Laptop with internet connection and window open to:
- Slideshow 1 - The Poppy
- Slideshow 2 - Scouts, Cubs, Guides on the Home Front
Projector screen
Extension lead
Paper poppies (to show as examples)
Red felt
Green felt
Felt tip pens/sharpies
Safety pins
Black buttons


Set up projector before YPs arrive.

Slideshow 1 - The Poppy
Ask for volunteers to read out the text on each slide.

Felt poppies
1. Draw and cut out templates for the red and green parts of the poppy.
2. Once happy with the templates, draw around them on to the felt, and cut out.
3. Thread the needle with some thread (use a threader if struggling), and put a knot at one end.
4. Starting from the back, put a couple of stitches through the red and green felt to hold them together before incorporating the button on the front of the poppy.
5. Depending on the length of thread, either tie off the thread and get another bit, or sew on a safety pin to the back of the poppy (make sure you’re sewing on the bit without the point otherwise it will slip off when you undo it).

Slideshow 2 - Scouts, Cubs, and Guides on the Home Front
After the YPs have gotten started on their felt poppies, if you want to break up the sewing, pull some YPs out to show them the slides, or could do this at the end if you think there will be time.
Ask for volunteers to read out the text on each slide.


  • History
  • History of Cubs
  • History of Guiding
  • History of Scouts
  • Poppies
  • Poppy
  • Rememberance
  • Rememberance Day
  • Sea Scouts

Badge Links

  • Home Help - Sew