Defend The Trenches
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A simple ball games that can be used as part of a Remembrance themed meeting.
Sponge Balls
Tape or chalk to mark the playing area.
Split the playing area into 4 equal spaces using tape or chalk.
Divide the YP up into 4 teams.
YP sit on the the floor in one of the marked areas - they are now in their trench.
When the game starts, a leader throws some balls into the trenches - these are the grenades.
YP shuffle around their trench on their bottoms and try to thrown the grenades into another trench
Each time a leader blows the whistle; the game stops and teams get a point for each grenade in their trench.
Repeat for as long as you line.
Winning team is the one with the lowest score at the end of the game
- game
- Rememberance
- teamwork
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- Teamwork - Team game