How do we reduce waste?

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Recycling and waste. How do we reduce it? How do we have less waste to start with? Where do we recycle?


Paper, pens


- What is recyclable? (get the scouts to list some items)
- Do you know where to recycle? (see what they list) eg supermarket, outside their house, recycling centre etc
- How do we reduce the amount that we need to recycle? eg
o Buying loose fruit and veg
o Buying items packaged in recyclable materials
o Looking for the green recycle symbol on packaging
o Looking before we put something in the bin
o Could an item be reused instead of being thrown away


  • envrionment
  • recycling

Badge Links

  • Earth Tribe - Waste
  • Earth Tribe - Waste
  • Earth Tribe - Waste reflections
  • Earth Tribe - Waste reflections
  • Environmental Conservation - Reduce
  • Environmental Conservation - Rubbish
  • World - Environment