Corner Hockey (Ice Hockey)
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A hockey game for 4 - teams which, when adding Ice into the title becomes a winter sport
4 teams of equal numbers, if necessary designate a player to have 2 numbers to for equal teams
a goal (a chair is fine) set a little way out from each corner
a hockey stick for each team
a bean bag or similar
Someone to referee and score.
A team at each corner
Number players in the teams
Lay a hockey stick in front of each team
Object is to hit the beanbag into any of the goals except your own whilst defending your own goal.
Safety Rules
2 hands on the hockey stick at all times
Stick cannot be raised above knee level
Referee calls a number and those players gather in circle in the centre of the room
Referee throws beanbag into the circle and player try to gain custody and shoot towards a goal
It is expected that players will jostle to gain control of the beanbag however dangerous barging etc. is not acceptable - player disqualified.
A goal is awarded to the team who gets the beanbag into a goal that is not their own.
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