Map reading grid reference quiz

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This activity allows younger cubs to learn from the older cubs about 4 and 6 figure grid references.
It takes the form of splitting the pack into groups (four is a good number) and getting them to look at their map and select items of their choice as posed in the question sheet.
The group records their chosen items and the grid references on the activity sheets.


An OS map for each group,
copy of the activity sheet,


Each group is given an OS map and the activity sheet. They are to follow the instructions on the activity sheet.

Basically each group selects items of their choice based on the questions from the activity sheet, they then record the grid reference of the items selected on their question paper and also thier answer sheet (this makes marking easier).

Once they have completed their questions they swap their question sheet and map with another group. The group then have to answer the questions from the other group have posed.

To add intrest we allow the winning team to run a game of dodge ball.


  • grid references
  • Map keys
  • map reading
  • map symbols

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